
Bir Billing Trip

Bir Billing

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Bir is one of the famous Tourist spot for Paragliding located in Kangra District.It is the world’s Third Favourite site for Paragliding. Every year there is organised Pre World cup Paraglidng competition here.It is also Famous for Tibetan market ,Monasteries.The local People here are Gaddis ,Tibetans, Mandyalis and they are friendly ready to help anyone .There are also other activities one can enjoy here as Cycling, Sky Cycling, Paragliding courses, Bike ride, Camping, ATB ride, Zipline etc. One can also come here for Meditation retreat, Practise Yoga .

We offer Variety of tailor made trips to the place .One of the short and weekend trip we offer to our clients is as follows:


Day 1: Arrival at Bir ,Refresh have breakfast and start trek to Billing 12 Kms trek .It will take 5-6 Hours to reach there .Billing is the take off site of Paragliding in the area .We camp here Tea and snacks will be served. Later enjoy Bornfire and Sumptous Dinner. Night Stay in Tents .

Day 2: Wake up Refresh, Have breakfast and around 10 am get ready Paragliding experience .Depending on thermals you will start soon for take off and then land in Bir Landing Site. Afternoon There is option to relax and explore market or take a Sight seeing to Monastery /Cycling. Evening Take Volvo to Delhi and End of the Tour.


Certified Guide .





Bir Billing Trip
Bir Billing