
Pangi Valley Trek

Pangi Valley Trek in Chamba District is one of the remote places of Himachal Pradesh situated along the banks of Chenab river.The valley is known as virgin as it is rich in flora and fauna. The Pangi valley gives plenty of options for Hiking, Long trekkings, climbing and has beautiful landscapes.It has Multi community villages, Monasteries, Amazing waterfalls, Lakes etc .There is a holy mountain in the valley :Mt.Shiva Peak(6135 m)

Chamba-Killar over Cheni Pass

Cheni Pass (4400 meters) connects Churah area of Chamba District with Mindhal Village in Pangi. Pangi is high and untouched valley by tourism view and culturaly very rich.This pass is generally used by Mindhal and Kulal Villages of Pangi Valley as distance is lesser for them compared to Sach Pass. An alternative way back over the Pir Panjal from the Chandra-Bhaga to Chamba, this pass lies a few Km SE of the Sach. It is more strenuous and less frequented, taking 4-5days from Kilar to Trela roadhead in Chamba Valley

Location: Himachal Pradesh Chamba

Trek Duration:6N/7D

Elevation:4390 Metres

Trek Distance:45 Kms


Day 1: Chamba to Devi Kothi

We drive from Chamba to Tissa Village and then towards Devi Kothi Temple, Devi Kothi, on account of the Mughal influence manifest in its wood-carvings. It is possible that this temple may have been constructed by Raja Umed Singh in A.D. 1754, The temple is dedicated to Devi and contains illustrations of the exploits of the goddess Durga. But there are many panels given to the themes from Bhagavata Purana. It’s worth a visit and highly revered by the local people.

Day 2 : Devi Kothi to Alyas (5 hours)

The trail towards Alyas pass towards hamlets and grasslands. After walking for 12 kilometers we reach Alyas or Got a campsite for shepherds. There is a large cave up there for shelter. We camp here tonight.

Day 3: Alyas Got – Grat Across the Pass (7 hours)

The ascent is very steep. We walk over glaciers and running water, as well as frozen water streams over Ice making it dangerous and risky. Ice axe and crampons would be needed here. We negotiate with a tricky last leg of climb to reach the top of the pass. Cheni Pass is though not very long in distance compared to Sach Pass but since the path is tricky and a little risky thus avoided by most of the trekkers. Their are rewarding views up on the top. From here there is a rapid descent but as we move further the path becomes less difficult. We camp here at a beautiful place called Grat, which is a junction of two water streams.

Day 4: Grat to Mindal (3 hours)

Today will be an easy day as we would be camping at a not so distant Mindal also the trail is easier and defined from here. Mindal is just 7 kilometers from Grat and is a traditional camping site for Gaddis. Mindal is located on the left bank of Chenab river. There is a temple, provision shops and shelter here in this village. We stay here tonight.

Day 5: Mindal to Findlu-Killar (2-3 hours)

After breakfast we start from Mindhal towards Findlu village and cross the river why a trolley. Here our cars will be waiting for us to ply us towards Killar village. We stay here in guest house tonight.

Day 6:Killar Sightseeing

Explore The valley: Visit Hudan Valley,Hudan bhatori lake,Monastery visit,Sural Valley,Waterfalls and interact with local peoples and in evening you will be served organic food in hometay.

Day 7: Killar- Sach pass- Chamba

After breakast Drive to Thrilling pass The Sach pass all the way to Chamba ,reaching chamba by evening and end of tour.


Services of skilled and Certified guides, helpers, and cooks

All meals and equipment during the trek.

All Taxes and permits.

Transport if needed.

Pangi Valley Trek